Friday 22 June 2012

Well after a few days I am not sure how I am progressing!

I have reintroduced wheat and milk into my diet after deciding that cutting out made no difference to my little one's colic. Instead I have started giving him Infacol and am going to see how that goes. However I am going to give cutting out sugar from my diet a go following the I Quit Sugar 8-week programme.

I have managed some decluttering - a few things have been put up for sale, a couple of things advertised on Freecycle. Not bad - in fact, pretty good I'd say.

This weekend I am home alone with the Boy. The plan is to finish some things off - namely the front garden and his room. I would also like to send some thank you letters, create and order a birth announcement card and develop a week's menu plan.

Ambitious? Yes! But then even if I achieve 50% of that I will have done very well.

Progress not perfection :-)

Tuesday 19 June 2012

New life

It seems slightly mental that I am thinking about getting my life in order four weeks after giving birth to my son but, if there is one thing I have learnt over the recent years, it's all about progress and not perfection.

Actually in the midst of the craziness of life with a newborn it makes sense to me to 'downsize' and declutter my life and surroundings. My time is increasingly precious and I don't want to be wasting it on things that are mere distractions.

The idea of blogging to help came while I was reading an e-book today called I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson. It talked about writing down one's experiences over the 8-week programme. And as I now spend much of my life holding the boy I decided to do this online as I can type one-handed on my lap much easier than I can write! Plus I tend to be much less self-indulgent when I know there is a possible audience :-)

So this blog is really all about this very exciting new stage of my life and all the challenges it brings, about clearing the brambles to forge a clear path forwards to a lighter, brighter future - to a life lived with purpose and integrity. Simple really ... but not necessarily easy.